Dedicate an existing labyrinth you already have as a Legacy Labyrinth


If you have a vision to bring peace and healing to your community through an existing labyrinth, you should consider joining it to the global grid of Legacy Labyrinths through a connecting process and formal dedication.

So How is an Existing Labyrinth Different from a Legacy Labyrinth?


It’s all about the connecting:

Labyrinths can work together.  We connect them to work together in four ways:

1.       Setting intentions for Peace: Each labyrinth has a community dedication, and at that dedication each participant sets an intention for themselves of peace and an intention for peace and healing for their local and global community.  Intentions are often times written and buried in the ground around the labyrinth;

2.       Physically connected with materials from each labyrinth: Each labyrinth in the network of Legacy Labyrinths are made of different materials.  Materials from each of the labyrinths are buried around each of the labyrinths during the dedication or sometime after.  This facilitates a physical energetic connection of each Legacy Labyrinth to each other;

3.       Bronze plaque: Each labyrinth has an 11x14 bronze plaque placed at the entrance, to inform the new walkers what is a Legacy Labyrinth, and how to walk with and set intentions for peace;

4.       Annual Peace Events to begin in 2020: Each labyrinth has an annual Peace Event, coordinated through the Legacy Labyrinth Project.  This is a community labyrinth walking event, whereby walkers on all continents walk together at the same time with peaceful intent for each other.  The intention of the Legacy Labyrinth Project is to grow these events exponentially per year, so there are masses of people walking for peace all over the globe.

 The Peace Event provides global connection through the labyrinth experience.


If I Already Have a labyrinth and I Want to Connect To the Global Network of Legacy Labyrinths, What is the Cost?


The basic price of connecting is a one time flat fee of only, $4,500.  This includes the following:

  1. An 11x14 bronze plaque and stand;

  2. A month of community media (social, TV, local print) coverage arranged by the Legacy Labyrinth Project’s communications specialist, for recruitment and announcement of the dedication;

  3. A staff or board member of the Legacy Labyrinth Project facilitating the community dedication;

  4. Physical materials from all of the other Legacy Labyrinths buried on labyrinth site;

  5. Selection and ongoing support of a steward and facilitator for the newly dedicated Legacy Labyrinth;

  6. Coordination of an Annual Peace Event, each year;

  7. Ongoing featuring of the Legacy Labyrinth on the Legacy Labyrinth Project website as well as pictures, video coverage, event announcements, and stories.


Optional menu of services:

 1. Discounts for Veriditas facilitator trainings (20%);

2. Video coverage of entire dedication event ($500);

3. Dr. Lauren Artress (Veriditas Founder) to facilitate the site dedication and a local labyrinth presentation ($5,000);

4. Labyrinth souvenirs for participants of the dedication (labyrinth pendants, $50 each - savings of 50%).

You can discuss for free with the Legacy Labyrinth Executive Director, the details how an already existing labyrinth can become a Legacy Labyrinth.



For A Complementary consultation or more information please contact
The Legacy Labyrinth Project Executive Director