We can build a Legacy Labyrinth for you……..or
We can dedicate an already existing labyrinth as a Legacy Labyrinth
As a visionary in your community and around the world become a patron of healing through your own Legacy Labyrinth. There are two ways a Labyrinth is brought into the global network of Legacy Labyrinths:
Connect an existing Labyrinth
Build a New Legacy Labyrinth
So how is a Legacy Labyrinth different from other labyrinths if they use the same materials and style?
Great question.
There is no difference in the type or style. A Legacy Labyrinth can be a seven circuit, a Chartres, a Cretan design, or any other design, it does not matter.
The difference is because all Legacy Labyrinths are connected to one another through four ways:
Energetically through a dedication connecting a labyrinth, through intention, to other Legacy Labyrinths in the network. Each Legacy Labyrinth has a mission that includes peace and healing for its community. For example, the Argentinean labyrinth was dedicated to bringing its community together to transmute the negative energies still existing from the Nazi’s from WWII. The labyrinth in Canada was dedicated to Mother Mary and all that she powerfully represents. The Legacy Labyrinth which will be dedicated fall 2019 in Houston, Texas was built to heal the loss and destruction from Hurricane Harvey.
An Intention is spoken at the dedication that offers that this new labyrinth now connects with all other Legacy Labyrinths around the world for peace and healing.
Physically because building materials from each Legacy Labyrinth are buried in and around every other Legacy Labyrinth location. As a Legacy Labyrinth is added to the network, materials are given to the steward and added to each existing location.
Physical Materials buried at each location include:
Flint from France
Sea Glass from Institute for Noetic Sciences in California
Paver brick from Ohio
Crystals from Argentina
Wild Grasses from Saskatchewan
Publicly marked with an 11”x14” bronze plaque used to educate the walker on How to Walk For Peace, either for themselves, their community or the globe. The plaque clearly defines the labyrinth as a Legacy Labyrinth, its date built with wording that the person commissioning and bringing the labyrinth into the network wants on it including the name of the labyrinth and if it is in memory or recognition of someone, etc.
Consistently through an Annual Peace Event: In 2020, the Legacy Labyrinth Project will sponsor the first Annual Peace Event in all Legacy Labyrinth communities for the purpose of connecting global peace.